Lifting Spirits Paranormal Society


About Us, And The Location That We Have Very Succesfully Investigated.

  Gettysburg is one of the top three most haunted location’s in America! Join us as we take you on a historic, educational, and guided Spiritual investigation near the John Socks Home! Which was a Confederate field hospital during the Battle of Gettysburg. Also in the same area, is Sach’s Bridge! Built in 1852! This area is known locally as one of the most haunted locations in Gettysburg, because the Confederate Field Hospital is located southwest of Devils Den, The Wheat Field, and Peach Orchard. The truth is, that 40-60 percent of the soldiers died from their wounds. This means that

21,000 – 31,000 soldiers died while waiting to have the chance to visit the field hospitals. Or trying to recover, after visiting the gruesomely primative field hospitals. It took 2-3 weeks for reinforcements to arrive with tents to house the wounded. Not all of the wounded had the opportunity to have shelter in the houses or barns in the area. That is why there is much work to be done outdoors, around the field hospitals, and on the battle fields of Gettysburg. As a matter of fact, approximately 20,000 wounded soldiers were left behind after the Battle of Gettysburg, because the military had to move on quickly and continue fighting. The Battle of Gettysburg is the most tragic fight to have ever taken place on American soil, and God has put us here to bless these grounds! To help these lost souls find their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! And go be at peace in heaven with God And their family! He has given us undisputable evidence of this spiritual world that is around us! So that you all might believe! We are humble servants of the Lord, and we are here to tell you that God loves you! And He is for you, not against you! If you need to see something to believe, you can see it here! Emanuel!


  Both Union and Confederate armies crossed over Sach’s Bridge, Robert E. Lee and his remaining army actually retreated across Sachs Bridge! And there was even a skirmish there! Robert E. Lee, Longstreet,

A. P. Hill, and Ewell, all brought there men to the John Socks home to visit the Field Hospital. Our hearts go out to them, and the suffering that they had to endure for the country that we happily reside in today.


  As you will see on this website, the evidence that we have collected at this location and many others, is Exceptional, and nothing short of World Class!


  Also under the MORE BUTTON, read the true ghost stories of our spiritual encounters that we have experienced during our investigations of Sachs Bridge! We also have an extensive collection of EVP’s, on the EVP PAGE, and the all new Exclusive Location’s Evidence Page!                                                   


What make’s Lifting Spirits Paranormal Society stand out from the rest?


  Carla is what most people understand to be a psychic medium. But she is much more accurately described as a prophet of God. She has many gifts from God, that started when she had an out of body, near death experience at the age of ten. She had a very high fever, and her mother could not afford to take her to the doctor, so she gave her over the counter medicine. And it wasn’t enough. She had went to sleep with a 104.5 degree fever. And she died in her sleep. She remembers that she was being taken to heaven by Jesus. He had her by the hand and was telling her it was time to go. She was crying and pulling away because she was scared. He asked her why she wanted to stay. She told Him that she wanted to stay and take care of her brothers and sisters. So He stopped, knelt down in front of her, and she can still remember His face and see His lips moving. But she can’t remember what He said. He then Put His hand up to her forehead, and she awoke in her bed healed of the fever! After this, she started to be able to see and hear spirits. At the time she didn’t understand what was going on. But upon further review of her life she can 100% attribute the start of her gifts that very moment! After a lifetime of growing in her gifts from God, she has refined them! She has a gift of the spirit that is a Ministering of Angels, Remote Viewing, Automatic Writing, and she is an empath. This obviously gives her a supernatural advantage to produce some truly amazing picture’s, EVP’s and much more! Carla’s Husband Daniel, is also one of our Lead Investigators for our team. And Daniel and Carla shared out of body experiences before they met each other! To make a long story short. Daniel and Carla shared a dream. And in this dream, they saved a mans life at a hospital! The man then looked Carla up on Facebook 7 years later, thanking her for saving his life! So yes, this was a dream for Daniel and Carla, and reality for the man! Now, God has put Daniel and Carla in Gettysburg, and they share a great compassion for the souls that are left behind on the battle fields of Gettysburg. They offer a respectful, compassionate, educational, and personalized approach on their investigations.


  You may have noticed that we prefer to use the word Spiritual, or supernatural instead of Paranormal. This is because the word Paranormal describes an event that is beyond the ability of science to explain. The spiritual world is explained to us, in the Word of God. Science’s theory of evolution screeched to a hault, when the coding in DNA was discovered! It is the coding of DNA, as well as the design of every living thing, that is physical proof of an intelligent design! And that intelligent design, is the creation of the universe, by our Heavenly Father. All of the answers that we seek about this Spiritual world that is around us, is in the Holy Bible! We do not judge people for their beliefs, it is everyones choice to have their own beliefs, and we respect that. We are confident in our beliefs, for many reasons of faith, truth, love, and personal experiences of God’s presence in our lives, as well as His word, that is the only absolute truth that this world has to offer. And His word is love!

Gettysburg, PA 17325
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