The core values of the Adams County Coalition for Overdose Awareness & Recovery:
1. We will collaborate to prevent overdose deaths in Adams County, Pennsylvania.
2. Our meetings, events, and advocacy efforts will be fair and accessible to all community members
3. We will give voice to the prevention, treatment and recovery communities of Adams County
4. We will act as a community of support for overcoming addiction, providing access to treatment, and champion recovery in Adams County.
5. We will follow data-driven, evidence-based and best practices strategies to support individuals and families in our community

The coalition is coordinated by the staff at The Center for Youth & Community Development, home of Collaborating for Youth & the Coalition for Overdose Awareness & Recovery and meets monthly on the 3rd Tuesday of each month currently via zoom and in person. Email for more information.

233 West High Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325
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